OMT is the therapeutic application of manual techniques by an osteopathic physician to address the changes in body structure to improve physiologic function.
OMT techniques range from gentle palpation to high-pressure or rapid, forceful manipulation.
People of all ages, from newborns to senior adults, can benefit from osteopathic manipulative treatment. Applying OMT to muscles, joints and other tissues allows the body to achieve a state of health more quickly and easily. OMT can be helpful in a wide range of clinical conditions, from alleviating pain to shortening hospital recovery time, improving childhood asthma and infant colic.
A Word From Our Patients:
“Curabitur mauris augue, dictum vel ante euismod, placerat consequat arcu. Pellentesque eu sem quis lorem malesuada maximus. Fusce tempus ultricies nibh, vel rutrum dui semper quis. Morbi lacus turpis, iaculis non faucibus id, efficitur at elit.
Fusce in mi nulla. Nulla facilisi. In elementum egestas convallis. Mauris sit amet justo nunc. Sed vitae pellentesque nulla. Mauris et dui quis diam tempor tristique. Integer sit amet nisi id justo pretium lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet mollis tortor. Proin pharetra elit sem, nec mattis ligula accumsan vel.”-Mary, Patient